Invasive Species Information
Of the approximately 2,500 species of plants known to occur in the wild in West Virginia, about 72 percent are native or occurred in West Virginia before the time of substantial European settlement. The other 28 percent, over 700 species, are not native to West Virginia, having been introduced from other states or countries. Non-native plants have been introduced for erosion control, horticulture, forage crops, medicinal use, and wildlife foods. They have also been introduced simply by accident. Most of these species never stray far from where they are introduced (gardens, urban areas, agricultural fields), yet some become very invasive and displace native plants in woodlands, wetlands, and other natural areas. These non-native invasive species are one of the greatest threats to the natural ecosystems of West Virginia.
Garlic Mustard
Invasive Species Brochure
This handy brochure describes the 11 most invasive non-native plants found in West Virginia. Included are recommendations for native plants that can be used as alternatives in gardens and wildlife plantings.
Japanese Barberry
Governmental Links
There are many resources available to learn more about invasive species and the threats that they pose to wildlife, birds and native plants.
USDA National Invasive Species Info
US Forest Service - Invasive Species
Japanese Knotweed
Educational Information
Explore additional information sources about invasive plants and native plant replacements.
Homeowners Guide to Invasive Plants